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Drink Drive Accident Statistics
Statistics on personal injury drink drive accidents in Great Britain final estimates for 2014 show:
- between 220 and 260 people were killed in Great Britain where at least 1 driver was over the drink drive limit
- the number of seriously injured casualties in drink drive accidents decreased by 3% from 1,100 in 2013 to 1,070
- the total number of casualties of all types in drink drive accidents is 8,210
- the total number of drink drive accidents of all severities fell by 1% to 5,620
Provisional estimates for 2015 show there were between 200 and 290 deaths in drink drive accidents. Source: http://www.roadsafe.com/gbdrinkdriveaccidents
Reported road casualties in Great Britain: Estimates for accidents involving illegal alcohol levels: 2014 (final) and 2015 (provisional) Published 4th August 2016