Focus On Road Risk Part 2

Investing in driver training and risk management can pay dividends for the long run. If you are able to work with your insurance company and build up a professional relationship of honesty and integrity you may discover options you never knew you had. For example, many insurance companies have staff who are very knowledgeable about managing road risk. Their expertise and guidance can be invaluable. Why will they help you? Because they want your annual premium and do not want to pay out. Why should you proactively seek guidance? Because you may get lower premiums if you are able to demonstrate to your insurers you have put into place, or are working on, a managing road risk policy and the fewer incidents you have the less impact upon your profit margin. It has got to be a win win!

Think about the knock costs following one of your drivers reversing into a bollard or another vehicle. Have a serious think about the costs associated. Ask your fleet manger, head of health and safety or get a pen out and write down any costs you can think of. This simple exercise could be the first step in effectively managing your on road risk. #fleetmanagement

Managing road risk