Effective Management or Good Luck?

Effective Management or Good Luck?

Most drivers will not have taken any form of driver training since passing their driving test. Most accidents are the result of driver error.

What do you actually know about your drivers? Have they gone from a casual driver commuting to a fixed place of work, driving to the shops and social events to a mega miler over night?

How much driving experience have they got? Have they ever driven on motorways?  Up to the point they were given a company car and an appointment diary did they avoid high speed roads, driving high miles or even driving at peak times?  

How do they cope with the daily mileage they are now expected to drive and the hours sat behind the wheel?

What support have they been given to effectively manage their time, route plan, recognise and deal with fatigue?

Would they tell you if they were struggling or just get on with it?

What policies and procedures do you have in place to manage your drivers and to protect and support them? 

On the shop floor health and safety prevails. From posters providing information about health and safety, to the issue of protective equipment to the training of staff using dangerous equipment. Responsible employers understand their responsibilities to their workers and seek to prevent accidents from happening. When things go wrong they learn from the event or near miss.

Imagine asking a member of staff to use a heavy duty industrial saw without a guard to prevent the blade from cutting off their fingers or hand!  You just would not do it. 

So think about this….when was the last time one of your employees, driving on behalf of your business, dozed or actually fell asleep at the wheel because of the mileage they were having to drive every day to get to their appointments? What is the difference between using the industrial saw/driving without a guard/falling asleep?

Effective management preventing and reducing risk or just good luck? Good luck until when…?
