What makes a good driver? Is it high levels of skill or a driver’s ‘attitude’?
Having high levels of skill can be demonstrated by the ability of a driver to always be in the correct position, driving at the correct speed and in the best gear. Smooth braking and gear changes may also demonstrate skill. The driver may make the drive look effortless. Perhaps they are an ‘advanced’ driver?
However, does being able to control the vehicle to a high standard make a driver safe or is there another even more important element required?
What about a driver’s attitude? For example, what about drivers who find themselves drawn into verbal exchanges with other road users or taking risks when overtaking, speeding, going through red traffic lights, intimidating other drivers by following too closely?
Have you ever thought all other road users are idiots who should not be on the road or know someone who thinks like this?
Or perhaps it is more subtle. For example, getting frustrated when we are running late or getting annoyed when other drivers stay within the speed limit.
Does any of the above sound familiar to you?
There is no such thing as the perfect driver. We are only as good as our last drive. The problem is we are only human and sometimes we can make poor choices.
You stand or fall by the driving decisions you make. You are responsible for your actions and the consequences.
Attitude to risk taking and other road users is a good indication of on road risk.
We all make mistakes. How we learn from our mistakes and prevent them from happening again is important to reduce our risk.
Driving Attitude - positive regard towards all other road users and their safety = a safe driver
How’s your driving attitude?