What is the most common type of collision your drivers are involved in?

Low speed collisions when drivers are manoeuvring are very common and costly incidents. Whilst they may not always result in injury, low speed impacts with other vehicles or street furniture can be expensive.

What can you do to reduce your drivers risk of being involved in a slow speed manoeuvring collision?

Encourage your drivers to:

·         Look where they are going and all around for dangers and hazards.

·         If drivers cannot see all around stop, get out and look

·         Consider using a colleague to help them to reverse, turn or park

·         Consider alternative options such as larger parking spaces, wider roads or bays

·         Go slow and take their time

Stop, Look and Assess

Perhaps you could consider introducing a banksman policy for vehicles using your premises. Well lit and open parking areas, wider parking bays, one way systems, creation of vehicle and pedestrian zones. Encourage reverse in and drive out.

Selecting vehicles for your fleet which offer technology such as reversing cameras and sensors may also help to reduce risk.

Having a strong safety culture which holds drivers to account following all at work driving incidents is important to reinforce personal responsibility for driver’s decisions, actions and accountability. As is recognition for drivers who follow the rules and are accident free. For example, incentive programmes for high MPG and no incident history drivers.
