It is understandable learner drivers want to pass their driving test as soon as possible. Learning to drive costs a lot of money and investment in time. There may also be pressure from parents for their children to pass as soon as possible.
Learning to drive is a complex task. The more of the right on road experience young drivers get, the more prepared they will be to drive safely on their own.
If I was flying abroad on holiday I would want the pilot to be experienced in flying in all sorts of weather conditions, day and night. I would want the pilot to be able to deal with all situations we could encounter safely. As part of their training, flying at all times of the day and night, along different and challenging routes and landing at many different airports. I would not feel safe to get in a plane piloted by someone with 40 hours of flying who has never flown further than the local airport.
Driving is a skill for life. If you are happy to pay £50 an hour for extra maths or piano lessons then are you prepared to invest in your children’s driving lessons to make sure they are ready for driving for life? It is very unlikely anyone will die from not remembering how to work out a maths calculation or forgetting their scales. But driving is high risk. When it goes wrong people are killed or seriously injured. Are you ready to invest in your child’s driver training?
“To improve young driver safety, available research evidence suggests five main areas for preventative focus:
1. Maximising the learning-to-drive process: • acquiring sufficient driving experience • gaining necessary cognitive skills
2. Making decisions that support safety: • optimising vehicle choice • receiving telematics feedback on driving behaviours
3. Maintaining focus – reducing in-vehicle distraction: • limiting mobile phone use • reducing passenger distractions
4. Fitness to drive: • managing fatigue • avoiding drink and drug impairment
5. Controlling the journey: • managing speed”
Source: RAC Foundation. Empowering Young Drivers with Road Safety Education Practical guidance emerging from the Pre-Driver Theatre and Workshop Education Research (PDTWER) Dr Elizabeth Box November 2023
Learning to drive is an investment for life.
Perhaps the question we should be asking is not how quickly can I pass my driving test but what training can I have to help me to stay safe on the road.
Empower young drivers to learn to drive safely by investing in quality driver training which provides a solid foundation from which to continue learning.