Driver 2020 Research Project looking for drivers aged between 17 to 24 years old

Driver 2020 is a research project looking at different ways to make young drivers safer, more confident and more skilful in their first year of driving.

This research is looking at different ways to make young drivers safer, more confident and more skilful in their first year of driving – a period we know from previous research to be one that new drivers find challenging. We want to understand how young drivers experience different driver training approaches and the effect they have on their driving. The results from the research will shape how young drivers learn to drive before and after the driving test. The research is the largest trial of its kind anywhere in the world.

This project is currently looking for learner drivers – people who have recently started learning to drive (or are about to). The precise requirements are covered in the registration survey. To find out if you are eligible, please click the registration button on the main page or HERE. If you are not eligible to take part as a learner (perhaps because you are already some way into learning to drive) you may be able to sign up as a newly qualified driver (when you pass your test of course) instead. We will begin recruiting newly qualified drivers later this year. One constraint for all groups at the moment is that we only need people who are aged between 17 and 24 years old.

Click here for more information about the Driver 2020 Research Project.

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