Do You Drive Like Your Mum or Dad?

Most of us spend 17 years watching our parents or carers driving. Most of us will then take some driving lessons with a driving instructor, pass our test and begin our driving career.

Who has the most influence on how we drive after we have passed our driving test?

When we are learning to drive we follow the example of the driving instructor and we drive as we are taught to with the end goal being to pass our driving test. What happens after we pass our test?

We are all products of our past. Our parents or carers have a massive influence upon who we are. Are we surprised that we use them as our role models for driving and go on to drive just as we have watched them drive.

If they always speed have we learned that it is acceptable to also speed? If they are aggressive to other road users have we also learned that it is OK to be aggressive with others such as vulnerable road users? If they always take risks with overtaking or running red lights have we also learned that this behaviour is also acceptable? If they use their mobile phones when driving or drink drive have we learned this is also acceptable?

As parents or carers think about the example you are setting your children or others. From how you teach your children to cross the road safely, to your values about drink driving, speeding, red lights, tail gating, road rage and so on.

What example are you setting?

The example you set is powerful and maybe an example for life.