Booking Your Practical Driving Test

With the current delays for the practical driving test it is important that as soon as you have passed your theory test you book your practical test.

When you book your practical test there is an option to declare disability or special needs. It is worth considering declaring these needs when you book your driving test. For example, some people have difficulty with left and rights due to dyslexia. If you declare you have dyslexia the examiner can give verbal instructions earlier and gesture left and right to help you.

Also, not everyone can read and process direction signs quickly. This will put you at a disadvantage if you have to follow signs for your independent section of the driving test. However, if you declare you are not able to manage road signs because of problems processing/reading when you book your driving test the examiner will use a sat nav route to help you.

Declaring disability/special needs is nothing to be embarrassed about. We are all different. The driving examiner will do what they can to help you. Although, it is important to note the driving test will be exactly the same routes and format as anyone else’s driving test.

Diversity Disability Equality and Inclusion

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