What is the Point of Driver Training?

What is the point of driver training? Why spend any money on training drivers who already know how or drive? What a waste of money and time!

Here are some of my thoughts:

Most companies will already be aware of the legislation which exists to protect workers’ health and safety in the workplace. For example, much was made of the Manslaughter Act when it came into force with the suggestion that employers would somehow find themselves more accountable for any health and safety failings leading to the death or serious injury of their employees. However, I am not aware of a lot having happened over the years with this act. In reality, companies and their drivers are more likely to face sanctions under laws covering the use of hand held mobile phones, speeding, dangerous driving and due care offences.

Engaging with a driver training programme may help your drivers to better understand the consequences of mobile phone use and risk taking such as speeding. By understanding the risks, and the consequences, your drivers are encouraged to think and to make decisions which are safe.

How much does minor damage to your vehicles cost you each year? For example, the administrative cost of arranging for vehicles to be repaired, time off road and sourcing replacement vehicles. What if your staff are injured and off work as a result? How much does that cost you? What about your annual insurance premiums? How much does your accident and incident history affect your premiums? What about drivers with penalty points? How do they affect your insurance renewals.

Engaging with a driver training programme may help your drivers to develop defensive driving techniques and copping strategies for dealing with situations they find stressful which may help to reduce the number of incidents involving your at work drivers.

With social media, what is the impact to your company reputation and brand of having your liveried vehicles posted onto social media following a negative event. For example, post accident damage, or perhaps left parked where it should not be such as on double yellow lines or in disabled parking?

Engaging with a driver training programme may help your drivers to better understand the impact their driving, both positive and negative, can have on your organisational reputation and brand.

How much do you spend annually on fuel and servicing costs for your fleet? How much money would you be able to save each year if every driver increased their miles per gallon (MPG) by 5%? How much would you save each year if drivers used eco driving techniques which not only saved fuel but reduced the wear and tear on tyres and brakes?

Engaging with a driver training programme may help your drivers to become more eco friendly which will potentially save you money.

Finally, ask yourself what is the greatest risk to the health and safety of your work force? Working in your premises or driving on behalf of your business?
