What do you want from your training investment?

What do you want from your training investment?

How often do you think about what you actually want to achieve from your training investment? What are your goals? What outcomes do you want? Tick box exercise or opportunity?

Whether you are a small business or a national company you need to be able to identify clear reasons why any training will benefit you. Cost v benefits.

For example, training staff about new products and services will clearly benefit a company because understanding what differentiates a product or service from competitors is important. However, having a unique selling point is no good unless you are able to actually sell your product or service.  It therefore follows that investing in the time, effort and cost of training your sales staff is important for success.

However, behind front facing sales teams we will find the support team. The latter are key to helping the sales people to sell and earn revenue. Without the support team there is no behind the scenes network which actually makes everything tick. An analogy may be the teams of coaches and staff supporting the athletes who competed in the Olympic Games.  It may be the athlete’s moment to shine, but they are there because of the work of others who have supported and nurtured them.

So what has this got to do with driver training? Perhaps driver training should be part of your behind the scenes network? For example, when IT systems go down you lose the ability to function. To manage this risk you put in place control measures such as backup systems and processes. Managing and supporting staff can also be complex and involved. Getting it wrong can cause headaches, effect productivity, lead to poor morale and the added pressures of managing disputes. To manage this risk you also put in place control measures such as human resource managers, clear policies and procedures.  Whilst your staff may all have unique roles and skill sets they all work for the common good of your company. Each person contributing to create a successful business.

Whilst your staff may all work in different offices and have very different roles there is one key activity which links almost everyone together. What is this activity? Driving. Either commuting to work or driving as part of work.

Have you ever thought about driving as an activity which links your workforce together? Do you recognise safe driving as an important foundation for your ongoing success?

What happens when a key member of staff is off work? What impact does this have on your organisation when others have to cover the additional work load or fill the skills gap it creates? What if you could put in place control measures to potentially reduce time off by extending the existing health and safety culture of the work place you already have to include driver training not just for accoubt managers, but for all your staff?

What benefits would there be to avoiding just one lost working day caused by whip lash?

Back to basics by exploring different opportunities to reduce down time,  costs and increasing productivity?

So what do you want to achieve from your training investment?