During the present COVID 19 lock down many of us will have taken time to reflect upon what used to be normal life, count our blessings and look forward to new opportunities.
Opportunities come in many guises. Perhaps exploring new innovations, launching new products or services, increasing profit, social worth or brand exposure.
If your employees drive as part of your business than there maybe a cost effective opportunity to reduce their on road risk and increase your profit by providing effective driver training.
By learning real life defensive driving and eco friendly techniques you could reduce your fleet running costs. For example, by reducing wear and tear on your vehicle’s brakes and tyres and increasing mpg you will save money.
Driver training is not a luxury. It is core to your business growth and prosperity. As you explore how to reduce your business costs by cutting waste, duplication and identifying new ways to work smarter, savings opportunities already exist and are waiting for you to unlock them!
Savings opportunities for your business are ready and waiting to be released by effective driver training. Reducing your fleet’s fuel consumption, servicing and repair costs will save you money.
Cost effective training provided by Celtic Driver Training offering an excellent return on investment.
Call me Alistair Stuart on 07813 824125 to discuss your requirements or email me on admin@celticdrivertraining.co.
Celtic Driver Training Fleet Driver Training