Road Positioning

Road positioning can help to keep you safe. Whether you choose to drive in the middle, to the left or to the right of your lane you can create opportunities for safety.

For example, you may decide to drive down the middle of your lane if there are no obvious hazards ahead. However, you may choose to move out to pass cyclists, pedestrians or parked vehicles to create more time and space just in case.

When you are driving think of your car as having a safety bubble around it. You do not want any other road user coming into your safety bubble. So you need to move away from any potential danger. All of the time you are thinking what if…What if the car door opens, what if the pedestrian steps out onto the road in front of me? Your job is to keep your car away from the potential dangers created by other road users. Positioning your vehicle away from danger. However, the less space you have the slower you must go and be prepared to stop.

Position yourself where you have the best view. For example, the further back you are from vehicles in front, the more you will be able to see ahead and to the sides. By dropping back you create more time and space to see what is happening, to plan your drive and to be proactive. The closer your following position, the better view of the number plate in front of you!

When you are driving you can alter your road position. Moving in and out to develop your view ahead and to the sides. Increasing your stopping distance by positioning further back. Remember, the more you can see the more time and space you create to be proactive and to deal with any situation before it is allowed to develop into a danger.


On motorways and dual carriageways make sure you stay out of other vehicle’s blind spots. For example, position your vehicle behind lorries or get in front of them. You do not want to be at the side of them in case they change lanes without seeing you. Remember, drivers of large vehicles rely upon their mirrors. If you stay in their blind spots you increase your risk.