The latest research by Transport Scotland, which recorded the behaviour of over 14,000 drivers in Scotland in 2017, found that mobile phone use in free-flowing traffic has increased from 1.6% of drivers in 2014 to 2% and from 1.7% in 2014 to 2.5% at stationary (traffic light controlled junction) sites.
However, the research found that hand-held use of mobiles for things like texting has remained static for car drivers and decreased for drivers of ‘other vehicles’ (vans, lorries, buses, coaches, and mini-buses).
Younger drivers (17-29) were more likely to be observed using a mobile phone than those in older age groups, with young men being the category of drivers observed with the highest mobile phone usage (5.9%).
How often do you notice drivers with their mobile phones to their ears?
“Aside from mental distraction, any distraction that takes a driver’s eyes or hands off the road for any length of time (for example to check messages or scroll through music options) is potentially lethal. At 70mph a vehicle travels 31.5m (about the length of seven cars) every second.” Source: Brake
More information?
Rospa Road Fact Sheet Mobile Phones and Driving